Counselor Access - Set up account

Your loginID must be over 3 characters long. You can use your email address or anything else you can easily remember.
check must be at least seven (7) characters long
check must contain at least one uppercase letter
check must contain at least one lowercase letter
check must contain at least one numeral (0 through 9)
check must contain at least one punctuation character
check may not contain any spaces
check may not contain any doublequote ("), ampersand (&),
    colon (:), semicolon (;), singlequote ('), or backquote (')

Your password must follow all rules listed above.
The California Community College you are affiliated with.
Format: 123-456-7890
Your contact number is collected in the event system staff need to contact you about a problem. This number will not be publicized on this site.

Security Question

This question and answer will be used together to give you access to your account in case you forget your password in the future.